While many cosmetic dental issues can be resolved with a single treatment, such as the teeth whitening procedure, this is not always the case. The most obvious situation where this is not possible is when the patient has crooked and uneven teeth. Any correction of this problem has to be gentle and gradual so as not to damage the teeth or the underlying bone holding them in place.
In order to straighten teeth, orthodontic treatment will need to be used but for some patients, the thought of wearing braces is even worse than having teeth that are crooked.
This decision is understandable, though not advisable. Traditional dental braces are very visible and this alone deters many people and they also have the problem of food getting trapped in the wiring. This, combined with difficulty in brushing when wearing braces, means that problems like tooth decay may well occur. Significant correction of the teeth can also take a while, with a year or more not being uncommon, depending on the situation.
The team at Purley Dental Care is pleased to be able to offer a more discreet and convenient teeth straightening system that avoids many of the problems above. The Invisalign system is rapidly growing in popularity and it is obvious why. Although they may still need to be worn for a similar time to traditional ‘train track’ orthodontics, they offer so many benefits that there really is no reason not to have your teeth straightened any more. As you will see, not only will you have straighter teeth using this system, but it is very possible that you will have a healthier mouth too!
As we have mentioned, traditional metal braces are very visible and there is no hiding the fact that you are wearing them. People that do wear old style braces may find that they are more reluctant to smile or even to talk to people unless it is really necessary. As you may be wearing these for a year or so, you may also find that your confidence starts to fade during this time.
Invisalign avoids this problem altogether and uses a different method entirely to traditional braces. Your dentist will discuss your situation with you and will then take scans and digital impressions of your teeth. From these, a series of transparent medical grade plastic ‘trays’ will be made that are worn over the teeth. These are designed for you individually both for an effective teeth straightening experience and for comfort. Although Invisalign is visible to some degree when worn, it is much less so and many people won’t even notice you are wearing your aligners unless they are very close to you.
Each tray is worn for a period of time, usually a week or two, until they have straightened your teeth to the degree that they were designed to do. Once this has been achieved, they are removed and the next in the series worn. This continues until your teeth are straight and even. Naturally, this will be monitored by your dentist along the way.
The other major benefit of the Invisalign teeth straightening system is that they are removable by the patient. It is intended that you should do so when you eat and when brushing and flossing your teeth. This is very good news as it means that you no longer have to worry about certain foods becoming trapped in wiring as can happen with traditional braces and you can eat whatever you want. You can also maintain good oral health care too. In addition to no wires for food to become trapped in, you can now brush and floss your teeth as before.
Although you can remove the trays yourself, it is important that this benefit is not abused and you should only remove them for eating meals and cleaning your teeth. There might also be rare occasions, such as a job interview, where you might feel more confident not wearing them and it is OK to remove them for purposes like this. It is important though, to keep this to a minimum. Removing them too often will lengthen the time that it takes to move your teeth to the desired position.
Once your treatment is complete, you will be left with a much nicer smile but also teeth that are easier to keep clean. Teeth that are crooked can press together or overlap a little which creates tiny gaps where food and bacteria can become trapped and cause decay. Without these spaces, you will be able to brush and floss much more effectively.
Finally, many patients that achieve straighter teeth using this method complete their new smile by having their teeth whitened as well to give them the best smile possible.
If you have crooked teeth and have been put off having them straightened by the thought of having to wear braces, why not arrange to have a ‘no commitment’ initial consultation with one of the friendly dentists at our Purley dental practice? We can discuss what the treatment involves in more detail and how your teeth should look following the treatment. Payment plans which help you to spread the cost of the treatment are also available.
If you are interested in finding out more about Invisalign and what it offers, arrange your consultation today by calling Purley Dental Care on 020 8660 2928.