Local Emergency Dental Care

June 19, 2024
Posted by:
Dr Sonam Bhatia

Helping patients with urgent dental care at our Purley practice.

Even when we look after our teeth well by following a tooth friendly diet and brushing and flossing our teeth regularly, there is still no guarantee that we might not find ourselves needing urgent attention from a dentist because something has gone wrong. This may not even be due to anything we have done, but could be caused by an accident or similar.

It is good to know that when things do go wrong, our team of dentists here at Purley Dental Care are here to assist you and help to resolve the often painful issues that you might be having. In today’s blog, we are going to take a look at some of the things that can happen that require urgent care and how we can help you.

What is a dental emergency?

People sometimes think of a dental emergency as when a number of teeth get knocked out or the patient is suffering from a very severe toothache. While these certainly do fall under this category, it is worth mentioning that less ‘severe’ issues also do. In fact, if you notice any problem with your teeth, whether it be a mild toothache or a small piece breaking off your tooth, you should call us straight away to make an appointment to have the problem looked at. Even if the issue doesn’t seem too significant to you, not treating it promptly could lead to more significant problems soon after.

When you call us for an emergency dental appointment, whether you feel it is mild or severe, our reception team will discuss this with you and we will do our best to arrange a speedy appointment. Naturally, we will try to prioritise those most in need while offering advice on how to manage lesser issues until we can see you. Whatever you do though, whether you feel that your issue is major or minor, call us straight away.

Severe toothache

This is one of the most common reasons for people calling us for an urgent appointment. This is probably not surprising as anyone who has suffered from this pain will know how excruciating it can be. Even the most nervous patient is likely to be on the phone to us straight away if this happens as a bad toothache can be almost unbearable.

On your arrival, we will examine and possibly x-ray the tooth to determine the nature of the problem and then treat the tooth according to the diagnosis. This may be in the form of a filling or a crown, but could also be a root canal infection which will need to be treated.  It could also be caused by an abscess which may require antibiotics to be administered to treat this before any dental treatment can be carried out to get to the root of the problem.

Depending on the nature of the issue, it might be necessary to extract the tooth. This can be devastating for a patient if this is a front tooth especially, but there are excellent replacement options, such as dental implants available at our Purley practice and we will discuss this with you should we need to remove a tooth.

Broken teeth

This is also a relatively common issue, with calls coming from people who have been injured by falling from a bike, playing sports or walking into a door etc. A broken tooth should not be ignored until your next regular appointment even if it is causing you no pain. Breaking a tooth is likely to weaken the tooth, making it more prone to further damage. It is also likely to have exposed the inner part of the tooth which allows bacteria to enter and could lead to decay or root canal problems.

After examining the tooth, we may be able to restore it with a filling, but more significant issues may require the use of a dental crown to both provide it with sufficient strength for daily use and also to provide it with a natural appearance.

Knocked out teeth

If a tooth has suffered a traumatic impact, it is possible that it may come out altogether. If it does this, you should pick it up using the crown of the tooth and avoid touching the root. Put it in a clean container with either saliva or milk in order to preserve it. You should then ring Purley Dental Care and explain what has happened and we will arrange for you to be seen as quickly as possible. Time is of the essence here as, if replaced in the socket quickly enough, the natural tooth may be able to be saved, although this can not be guaranteed.

If this is not possible, or if you can’t find the tooth or it is broken, then we will clean up the area to ensure no remnants remain and will discuss your options with you. In cases of missing teeth, patients will usually have the option of having them replaced with a bridge, dentures or dental implants. We can discuss these with you at the time.

In summary then, a dental emergency is anything that veers from the norm of how your teeth should look and feel. If you are in any doubt at all, you should call us straight away and explain to our receptionist the nature of the issue. They will be able to offer pain relief advice and book you an appointment at the earliest possibility. For both general and emergency appointments, you can call Purley Dental Care on 020 8660 2928.

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